The sports anime revolves around anxious Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki, who is taken under the wing of his role model Russian figure-skating champion Victor Nikiforov, alongside young Russian skating prodigy Yuri Plitsetsky. (Yes, there are two characters named Yuri on this show.) The first season follows both Yuris as they train to take part in the Figure Skating Grand Prix. Yuri On Ice is directed by Sayo Yamamoto and written by Mitsurō Kubo. Yuri On Ice not only struck a chord with the English-speaking Tumblr demographic, but is watched by many real-life figure skaters, including Johnny Weir, Evgenia Medvedeva, Denis Ten, Evgeni Plushenko, and Masato Kimura. While there has never been an official renewal for Season 2, the series was wildly successful so it’s it hard to imagine the series stopping after only one season. That being said, a Yuri On Ice movie called Ice Adolescence is in the works, with the teaser trailer already out, so continued stories in this universe is probably somewhat dependent on the success of that venture. Here’s everything we know so far about Yuri On Ice Season 2…

Yuri On Ice Season 2 Release Date

Despite an originally teased 2019 release date for the Yuri On Ice movie, a release date for that…let alone, a second season has yet to materialize. In February of 2022, MAPPA reconfirmed that production is still ongoing on the movie but not far along enough to provide a release date. Fans best hope for a season 2 release date announcement in the near future is for MAPPA to have been working on it and the film, simultaneously, though that may not be likely. In the mean time, the Season 1 Blu-ray/DVD came out from Funimation at the beginning of 2019, so there’s that!

Yuri On Ice Season 2 Trailer

We don’t yet have an official trailer for Yuri On Ice Season 2, but we do have this promo for the Yuri On Ice Blu-Ray featuring an all-new routine from Russian Yuri, which is pretty hilarious… Another cool video has Filipino skater Joel Minas performing Yuri’s “In Regards to Love: Eros” performance in real life for a Yuri On Ice fan event. Check it out… Now that we know a feature film is in development, any Season 2 plot would no doubt be hugely affected by whatever goes down in the movie. It’s hard to speculate about what a Season 2 plot might look like when we haven’t seen the movie yet. More news on Yuri On Ice Season 2 when we hear it.