Anyone vaguely familiar with the process of transferring saved data between generations of consoles knows that it’s rarely as easy as you hope it will be. While there are a few annoying restrictions that you’ll have to deal with when it’s finally time to finally bring your GTA data into the next generation, Rockstar has thankfully found the way to make the whole process relatively painless. Here’s what you need to know about migrating your GTA 5 and GTA Online data to next-gen consoles.

GTA 5: How to Upload Xbox One and PS4 Save Data to Xbox Series X/S and PS5

Before you can access your existing GTA 5 story data on Xbox Series X/S or PS5, you’ll need to upload it to your Rockstar account. Here’s how you do that: It’s also important to remember that you will need to use the same Rockstar account information across every device you’ll be interacting with as part of this process. If you’re trying to transfer a character or data associated with one of your Rockstar accounts to another Rockstar account you may have, this migration process will not work properly. When you’re ready, it’s time to proceed to the next step…

GTA 5 – How to Download Your Xbox One and PS4 Save Data From Your Xbox Series X/S and PS5

Once you’ve uploaded your GTA 5 data to your Rockstar account, the process of downloading it to your next-gen console will be pretty simple. You just need to follow these steps. Please note that it’s also possible to download your GTA 5 save data while you’re in story mode. To complete that process, you just need to follow these steps: While either method should allow you to pick up about where you left off, it may be easier to complete the migration process before you load your campaign simply so that you can hop right into your saved game right away. The bad news is that this process does come with a few catches you definitely need to know about:

You won’t be able to try GTA Online‘s new “Career Builder” while using an existing GTA Online character. If you want to try that option, you’ll need to create a new character. If you’re already at your character limit, you’ll need to delete a character before starting a Career Builder profile. Do not turn your console off druing this (or any other) part of the migration process. Doing so may corrupt your save data. While you can start a GTA Online profile from scratch on your next-gen console, it’s highly recommended that you transfer your save data when prompted to do so. That will ensure you’re safely able to access it if you ever need it, and you can always delete data from there.

GTA 5 and GTA Online: Can You Transfer Data Between PlayStation, Xbox, and PC?

Here is where things get weird. While it’s possible to transfer your GTA data between platforms, Rockstar has placed some restrictions on which platforms they will allow you to transfer GTA 5 “next-gen” data between. The whole thing is pretty complicated, so here’s a simple rundown of which cross-platform transfer options will work and which will not: GTA 5 and GTA Online: Compatible Cross-Platform Transfer Options Xbox One – PS5 PS4 – PS5 PS4 – Xbox Series X/S GTA 5 and GTA Online: Incompatible Cross-Platform Transfer Options PC – Xbox Series X/S Xbox 360 – Xbox Series X/S Xbox 360 – PlayStation 5 PS3 – PS5 PS3 – Xbox Series X/S Basically, you’re not allowed to transfer older versions of GTA 5 to next-gen platforms (you’d need to use your PS4 and Xbox One as a buffer) and you’re currently not allowed to transfer data between PC and Xbox Series X/S and PS5. Rockstar may hopefully ease those restrictions in the future to at least allow for PC to next-gen console transfers, but there’s been no indication that they intend to do so at this time. If you’re still interested in completing a cross-platform data transfer, you just need to follow the steps we mentioned above while ensuring that you ultimately download your desired GTA data on the console that you wish to use. As long as you’re using the same Rockstar account between platforms, you should be able to complete the rest of the transfer process as normal.

Why Am I Seeing a Black Screen Whenever I Try to Migrate my GTA 5 and GTA Online Data?

If you find yourself staring at a black screen when you try to transfer your GTA 5 or GTA Online date, it’s likely because the process is taking longer than expected. While it’s possible that the transfer has frozen entirely, most people say they were able to simply wait this out and eventually complete the transfer. You should also know that some players are reporting that they are not currently able to complete the transfer process if they previously migrated their console save data to PC. However, Rockstar says that is an unintentional restriction that they are working to fix as soon as possible.